Author: Mitchell


GOD’s Blind Faith

Subject:  An evil empire will soon crush Christian churches!

Almost 70% of the world’s population reject Christian theology as nothing more than prosperity gospel schemes that enrich the clergy.

ALERT: 99% of Christians are clueless … and do NOT EVEN KNOW who Jesus Christ really is.

Most Christians think of Jesus is as a baby in a manager … or a good, dead man on a cross. The actual magnitude of Jesus’ enormous powers and authority is hidden from most Christians.

Recently, a scientist-theologian revealed Biblical Jesus Christ for what He really is!  We are astounded at the magnitude of His powers!

For example, the place Jesus went to prepare for us (i.e., New Jerusalem) … is where we will all safely be watching from … as He creates the new heavens and new earth (2 Peter 3:13).

Ironically, these great new world-shaking revelations could increase many church congregations by 2-fold to 10-fold … because people can actually see and understand who GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit really are. Blind Faith actually seems to be a belief in the wrong things!

Blind Faith
God’s Blind Faith?

We can all stay in our own churches and grow. Word-Jesus Christ will reward all of us … in His ONE flock at judgment … in the eternal kingdom of GOD (Revelation 22:12)!

In order for us to survive … all 45 thousand+ Christian Denominations worldwide must stand together … against the tidal wave of evil that is definitely coming (2 Timothy 3:13).

Get this book now!  Digital Book   or   Print Book:    GOD’s Truth About Blind Faith for Dizzy Dummies 

R. B. Spell, DD

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Greatest Theology Update

Hello Fellow Christian & Seekers,

At last! There is a solution to the Blind Faith challenge that has caused Christians pain and misery for the last 20 centuries. Plus, discover the three stages of Jesus Christ’s existence!

Finally, people in all Christian churches can easily understand and gain access to the powers of GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit … and without confusion!

Ironically, providing the truth … and removing Blind Faith confusion … could immediately improve church growth 2 to 10 times what it is now.  The world is going greed-gluttony-gonad  crazy … but this could stop it!

Also,  it is OK if we have 100 thousand more Christian denominations! We just need to inform them and the ones we already  have! We love them! And, there is no need to get rid of … nor disband them!

Here is where to get the information needed to clearly resolve Trinity doctrine issues:

Blind Faith
God’s Blind Faith?

Click Here To Get:  God’s Truth About Blind Faith for Dizzy Dummies  as a Digital Book  or  Print Book

Live in peace and certainty,

Rev. R. B. Spell, DD

PS: People will never be the same after learning this new update!

Vain Christian Worship

Most Trinity Christians worship GOD in vain !

Hello Trinity Christians,

Sorry … for the bad news.  According to the Bible … most Trinity Christians worship GOD in vain! Why?  … because almost all Trinitarians worship with a false doctrine, according to Matthew 15:9!

There are over 45 thousand Christian denominations identified around the world … having different creeds and doctrines! Therefore, they cannot all be right … but they can all be fixed … without dismantling any of them!

Even though the term Trinity is not found in the Bible … most evangelical scholars agree (with each other) that the Trinity doctrine is clearly expressed within the scriptures … but that is absolutely not true (as will be shown). The Trinity doctrine is definitely a doctrine of men … not of GOD.

That’s right. Trinitarian doctrine is nothing more than clever Tertullian speculation designed to control people’s minds and their wealth since the 4th century. This non-unified, global Christian theology controls about one-third of the world’s population … who have been conditioned to accept all clergy theology without question (wow … and that is causing a religion desertion problem)!

On the other hand, there are at least nine Non-trinitarian faiths … but they are distinctly different from each other. They also have their own reasons for existence … but do not seem any better than the Trinitarians’ reasons for faith.

They can deny it all they want to … but it has been heard in numerous Trinity doctrine sermons (in churches and on TV) … wherein the clergy could not explain the Trinity doctrine. The Trinity solution usually heard … in almost every case … is that we will just have to accept the Trinity doctrine on Blind Faith (i.e., the clergy could not explain or justify it).

Blind Faith sounds like pure fantasy to most people. Actually, the three persons spoken of in the Trinity really do exist. Each one of them has a specific, interlocking function which is easy to explain and understand in order to describe the kingdom of GOD.

No matter how sincere a Christian may be to believe in the Trinity doctrine … the fact is that this blind faith doctrine is tragically destructive to maintaining or growing a church.

Ironically, providing the truth and getting rid of Blind Faith could immdeately church growth 2 to 10 times what it is now.

Letting people learn how to have access to the powers of GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is our greatest defense against a total secular takeover of our churches. This is our best defense to combat the allure of the satisfactions of greed, gluttony, and gonad hyperphilia which are sweeping the globe like wildfire!

As previously pointed out,  the purpose of blind faith seems to be to give clergy control over people’s minds and wealth. That is a totally wrong approach to faith and worship … but it will soon end (2 Thessalonians 2:2-4) … because people cannot thrive with constant self-doubt and emotional turmoil.

In fact … a great falling away is already occurring …  people are leaving churches in droves.

Unfortunately, this blind-faith-fantasy theology is what will soon bring the church age to an end.

Nevertheless, GOD is faithful to those who sincerely seek HIM because HE sees the heart (1 Samuel 16:7 and Romans 14:22) … but GOD has a message to those who mislead HIS people (Jeremiah 23:1).

Also, it is OK if we have 100 thousand more Christian denominations!  We just need to fix them and the ones we have! We love them! And, there is no need to get rid of nor disband them.

Consider what Jesus said in Mark 9:38-40. Jesus was not concerned about new groups … He simply wanted them to get it right. Resurrected-Jesus sent people … not churches … out into all the world (Mark 16:15-16). The point is that a pastor cannot do everything … the congregation has a responsibility, too!

Get this revolutionary insight provided by a theoretical-theologist-scientist who has also described the most powerful … faster than light quantum motion Real Thing in the universe … that keeps the whole universe vibrant and alive!

Here is where to get the information needed to clearly resolve the Trinity doctrine:

Blind Faith
God’s Blind Faith?


Click Here:  God’s Truth About Blind Faith for Dizzy Dummies  as a Digital Book  or  Print Book

Rev. R. B. Spell, DD

PS: If people think they know Jesus Christ … this information will probably blow their socks off. Most people do not even  realize that Resurrected Jesus Christ’s spirit is actually the incarnated WORD (John 1:14)! Therefore, the WORD is no longer a single entity in heaven!


Are Sick People Stupid

Sick people are NOT stupid … BUT many are just cleverly misguided!



Infectious Diseases
Infectious Disease Protection

You actually can avoid catching most contagious diseases anywhere in the world … anytime … when you know how. And now … you can definitely find out how … and how easy it really is to stay well.

Doctors, hospitals, and drug companies do NOT want you to die … but get sick?  Absolutley, YES.

Why?  Because they cannot make money unless people get sick and come to see them … because that is how they make most of their money.

Got the picture yet? Contagious diseases are the big players in money making and government control … and some even suspect … population control!

Thinking that is a conspiracy theory is akin to differentiating between the metaphors for equine manure and bovine manure … or discussing the finer progressions between SNAFU and FUBAR (Semper Fi).

But … there are a lot of simple things people can do to avoid catching contagious diseases. And, now … you can easily find out how!

Tired of getting sick … lockdowns, quarantines,  disease-fear syndrome. … and of 24-hour news media misinformation?

You can easily do something about it … and no one can stop you. Just get the information below that you need to do it … or click on the book image above.

Some might ask, “If I have all of that TV information, why do I need more information?”

Good question … and it’s great that you asked.

Many of us are now wondering about a great many things … that are far beyond the mind-bending intrusion’s from TV sets.

Stop and think for just a moment … and then realize that something profound has overcome our world … FEAR.

Just a few years ago we were not thinking about politics and diseases. We had an everyday life … things to do and places to go.

But now … fear topics have become a 24-hour marathon on TV … and we find ourselves threatened with loss of life, income, and liberty.

Let’s look a little deeper into the emerging issue that controls societies around the world in this new age of dreadful uncertainty.

Are pandemic diseases the New Toy for Governments to Control And Depopulate the world! 

Maybe so … but there is plenty that people can do to protect themselves … once they find out how easily they can do it!

The world’s ruling classes may have found the magic-bullet to control the world … FEAR … by introducing one contagious disease after another like HIV, Ebola, Covid-19, etc.

New-world governments could continually introduce genetically modified organisms (GMO) such as weaponized viruses and bacteria for pandemic disease-production … but you could still be safe from almost all of them with this information … even while on autopilot.

Humans are the best germ-incubators for spreading infectious diseases that can cause rapid human death and depopulation … but birds, mosquitos, and food are also parts of the disease-spreading process.

However, there are many simple, easy things that we can do to protect ourselves with almost no money spent. But … you can bet there are many powers that do not want you to know how to do it … because they want you to be controlled by them!

It is amazingly simple how easy it is to protect yourself with almost no cost … and when you know how … you will find out that they work worldwide! They do not want you to know how … because they cannot get into your pockets!

Be cautious of schemes and scams that try to prey upon your fears … check things out for yourself.

Seems like some may be dreaming up ways to get rich by selling us all kinds of drugs, vaccines, and personal protective equipment … and some of them may work … while keeping us quarantined and shivering in our basements.

This new book is easy to read and understand (150,000+ words). It has 45 years of professional experience and information. … which was taught to various health-sciences and health-care students in colleges and universities.

People need to know how to protect themselves from various types of contagious diseases anywhere in the world … and there are many of them out there (i.e., people and diseases) … but some simple precautions can help avoid almost all contagious infections and diseases.

This book nails it … and the steps are so easy they become second-nature … and they work!

There are many contagious diseases that people do not even know about … and more may be coming. But everyone needs to know that they can easily protect themselves against contagious diseases they do not even know about yet … and without even thinking about it.

A retired health sciences college/university professor has been gathering and teaching information for the last 45 years … for the classes he taught to his college students about diseases … and the testing procedures to find them.

He has compiled easy-to-read and understand solutions to prevent “catching” virtually all communicable diseases wherever they occur in the world.

The “experts” only dribble out occasional 10-15 second sound-bites on TV that might eventually help some people, somewhere … but only maybe … with the real intent to scare the detritis out of people.

TV and News Sound-bites  only present a drop of information that people really need to know about … but this book reveals information for people that they can easily and basically use world-wide.

Various contagious diseases … and many other infectious diseases are actually very easy and simple to defend against … when you know how.

This book is written in simple, non-medical language that can be understood by most high school students.

There are also non-communicable diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa … which a person can “catch” without contacting people … but can “catch” from contaminated objects and places (and this book even shows how to guard against most of those).

This book also shows you how you can easily be ready … even for most of the bad stuff you do not even know about … but these simple routine practices can guard people against almost all of them without even thinking about it.

Most important of all … this information is cheap … and the advice can be used over and over for a lifetime of protection! It has been working for more than 50 years! But you can bet that fear mongers and money hogs don’t want you to know about these things.

I bet some of you are already saying that this is too good to be true … and that it will cost at least $99 to get this valuable information … but it will not!

Well, the author could charge that … and it would be worth it … but many people are going through hard times right now because of Covid-19 and worldwide fear-mongering for power, control, and profit.

The eBook is over 500 pages with 250+ active internet search links. The Print Book for collectors does not have active links (of course, since it is a print book).

You can get this eBook and download it at once … and stay ready … stay healthy … and enjoy your life! You are worth it!

This book is available from Amazon in eBook and Print Book versions. The 250+ URL links in the eBook are active.

Book title: “Secrets To Preventing Virtually Any Contagious Illness or Disease  … Disease Prevention Anywhere … Worldwide”  

  1. Get the revolutionary 500+-page eBook with immediate download ($5.95):
  2. Get the revolutionary 500-page Print Book Version ($19.95):  *

* Many book collectors want print books for their collections for an investment … and to upgrade their bookcases. Note: Amazon may put a different book cover on the Print Book … but the contents are the same in both books.

In addition to learning how to avoid contagious diseases like HIV, Covid-19, the FLU, etc. … here are just a few more topics covered in this powerful new book:

  • The FLU … and Everything Else … you can avoid
  • What People Want To Know … what they are not being told
  • Misinformation and Confusion (i.e., for control and profit)
  • Information about many types of Germs
  • Sources of Germs
  • Dirty Hands (what you can do with them)
  • Self-Infection (a lot of that)
  • Person-To-Person Contact (and sexually transmitted diseases)
  • The Human Germ Incubator
  • Contaminated Objects And Places
  • Pets As Sources of Germs
  • Insect Germ Transmission
  • Contamination from Dirt, Water, and Air
  • Parasites (mind-blowing numbers)
  • Difference between Aids and HIV
  • Aids Protection
  • Germ Contact and Immunity
  • Additional Observations About Infections
  • Examples of Problem Situations:
  • The Use of Your Hands Is The Key
  • How to Germ-Proof Yourself, Family, Friends
  • When Do We Need A Doctor?
  • Treatment (if you are lucky)
  • Doomsday Genetic Engineering (deadly new, manufactured diseases)
  • Everything Else? (Yes … unbelievable!)

In case you would like some additional information … maybe about the author and other things … please, continue reviewing.

The author is a retired college/university professor. He has been teaching, revising, and updating this infectious, contagious disease information for more than 45 years.

He has been careful to re-write this information so that a person does not have to have a PhD … or  be a doctor, researcher, or college professor to understand it.

It is easy to avoid almost all contagious, infectious diseases worldwide … and after you finish this book …  you will know how to do it for yourself.

Although important, wearing a face mask is great … and social-distancing is very helpful … but the biggest problem is touching things with those wonderful hands! You need to know where and why this is important. Your eyes will be opened to the invisible, unthinkable dangers all around you … especially, if you stumble in the dangers unknowingly.

There is only one secret to all of this … which is in this comprehensive new book. And when you see just how easy it is to do … you will know that you can do it, too!

Just so you will know … the author has added expanded information about contagious, deadly, troublesome diseases for people … which they would almost never know about.

He has tried to keep the grammar at a level for public consumption. For those who want big words … and in-depth research … please contact your alma mater or a local research facility.

However, he has provided over 250 active URL  links in the eBook (i.e., the immediate downloaded digital book)  for further “light-scientific” investigation. Those interested in going deeper into the subject matter … try contacting the authors in the URL links or their bibliography at the end of their articles.

The information dished-out on TV for finding out about diseases may supply some useful information for symptoms, doctors, hospitals, and related information after people already have a disease … but that is a pathetically, inefficient way to get any kind of real, meaningful medical information.

But, here are two questions to consider:

  1. Why do people “Catch” those contagious diseases in the first place?
  2. Would people “Not Catch” those diseases if they knew how “not to?”

The new book shows people how they “Catch” those contagious infections and diseases in the first place. That information is almost never adequately explained anywhere … and certainly NOT on the short “TV-expert” opinion pieces.

But, the most important point is that this book shows what most people are almost never told: “What to do to “NOT CATCH” those contagious diseases in the first place!”

You would think that sort of information would be common knowledge, but it is not. This book helps to correct that problem … at least for those people who get the book and read it.

More than likely, after people read this book, they will have the temptation to wake a few people up to conscious reality as they trip carelessly through their life’s activities.

A word of caution: Be careful … many people today seem to think that they can do whatever they want to do regardless of the consequences to others. It is called the … rights and freedoms to stupidity-entitlement.

The safest thing you can do is to make sure that you do not become a victim to the carelessness of others. This book helps you to avoid “Catching” the contagious diseases and infections that other people unknowingly or carelessly spread around.

By the time you finish reviewing this book, and all its links, you will know more about diseases, disease transmissions, and disease symptoms than 99% of all the students who graduate from all the health care programs in all the colleges and universities in the world.

Just review the information in this new book … and you will see why. College students only get a touch of this information here-and-there … because only a little of it is spread through some college courses.

That is easy for the author to say because he worked and taught in the health care field for over 40 years.  He has the advantage of knowing what is in the college curriculums of pre-med, nursing students, x-ray techs, lab techs, etc. He was an Assistant Professor, Adjunct Professor, and Program Director in more than ten colleges and universities nationwide.

Doctors, of course, should already know this stuff, … but there are no reasons to keep this information secret from the public.

The public is its own worst enemy in transmitting diseases around, but no one is really making much basic information available to the public (until now).

Why? Because illnesses and diseases are big money-makers for the health-care industries and pharmaceutical companies.

The public should understand a basic fact. Hospitals and doctors are not obliged to inform or educate the public about the wide range of diseases and disease transmissions, nor how to avoid  “catching” those diseases (or illnesses) in the first place.

Why? Basically, they just do not have the time to educate everyone … and if they did … it would not be in their best interests to do so.

Their jobs are to treat and help people who do get sick (or injured, or need surgery, etc.). That is how they make their money … and how they prove their reasons for existence.

And that is the disturbing reality of medicine … doctors and hospitals cannot make money if there are no sick people to use their services … but morally, they are not wishing for people to get sick either.

Make no mistake about it … we need them. However, we can stay well a whole lot more than we have been doing by following a few simple rules.

Rule #1: Learn how to avoid catching a contagious disease in the first place.

Rule #2: Learn how to recognize disease symptoms, and then to get help.

Rule #3: Go back to Rule #1.

There are many times that we need doctors and hospitals for accidents, diseases, and other things that may be unpreventable or difficult to avoid.

However, this book deals with the unfortunate number of situations that people “catch” diseases and illnesses simply because they do not know they are in danger.

A healthy body can help recover from a disease, but immunizations will help prevent catching many contagious diseases. Take advantage of any immunizations recommended by your doctor.

Note: For those who do not know … just because a person gets a vaccination or immunization against one type of disease or illness … that does not mean that they cannot catch something else (and there are millions of other disease possibilities out there).

If the information in this book prevents just one trip to a doctor’s office, a person could save themselves ten to a hundred times more than the small cost of this book.

A practicing pathologist (i.e., one of the author’s former bosses … Dr. W. G. Price) once made the observation that many human illnesses are easy to understand.

That is true for the trained eye of a certified pathologist or clinical scientist. However, that is not true for the average citizens of the world in any country.

If the U.S. government gets its way, and we wind up with universal health coverage for all citizens, we may wish for the day when we had to wait in a doctor’s office to see the doctor we wanted to help us.

With uncontrolled healthcare for all U.S. citizens (or others who just happen to be here), we may stand in long lines outside doctors’ office waiting rooms. Every little sniffle or tingle will be headed for a doctor’s office visit. Be warned … it could easily happen!

And, the point is … stay as well as you possibly can … so that you do not have to contend with competition to see a doctor.

Many people do not even know how they got sick or where they “caught” it.

But now, they can have a much better idea about how to protect themselves with the information in this presentation.

People have been heard to complain, “Now, I wonder where in the #@!&% I caught this *%&#!@ infection.”

By the time people complete this book they will realize that they could have been in contact with something weeks ago … and because of incubation and time delay after disease exposure … they cannot connect an exposure event to their current illness.

Why? Because of different disease incubation periods, it is easy to forget a place or situation where contact with an infectious germ (i.e., a sick person with or without symptoms) could have occurred … especially with the speed of airline travel.

There is an explosion of populations coming, and an explosion of illnesses and diseases are coming with them.

People may destroy, devour, and deplete the planet … but unless people learn how to protect themselves against contagious germ transmissions … there will be fewer of them on the planet.

Increases in worldwide populations, and the propagation of diseases, will be accompanied by massive government legislation and control to manage dwindling resources … unless the resources are being protected by removing populations (i.e., many people are concerned that this could be an aim of tyrannical governments).

Diseases and famines will increase worldwide. People who are prepared will have a better chance of surviving because they will know what to avoid. Expect an increasing scarcity of drugs and medications which will complicate treatment and survival.

We all need to develop a different attitude about infections, illnesses, and diseases … because there are ways to improve our lives despite them.

We need to stop thinking of hospitals and doctors in terms of “illness-prevention.” Health-care-recovery their business.

Their business is SICK CARE.  Their jobs are to help us get well when we become sick or injured.

“Sick” prevention comes in the form of:

  • Vaccinations and vaccines
  • Personal knowledge about infections, illnesses, and disease prevention,
  • Personal knowledge applied to “sickness” prevention.

Injuries may require a multitude of different medical approaches and disciplines of medicine (i.e. non-invasive procedures as well as surgery) to treat non-disease conditions.

But knowing how to avoid contagious diseases is far more important to staying alive and healthy … than hoping that there is a pill for everything … and there may NOT be.

FYI … many contagious diseases may be from new forms engineered (i.e., genetically modified organisms … or GMO) in an unregistered lab … for the purposes of population reductions and people control.

But … people usually catch those “engineered diseases”  the same way they catch other things like the FLU, Covid-19, etc.

However, the techniques presented in this book … for all those other contagious diseases … will also work for those most of those “engineered diseases” designed to cause worldwide problems.

And, remember … just because some government wants to use diseases to reduce and control populations … we are not obliged to cooperate with our own destruction by diseases.

Since we are here … there is one prime observation to remember: It is our right to live by taking care of our own self … because that is our personal responsibility.

This book is available from Amazon in eBook (500+ pages) and Print Book versions. The 250+ URL links in the eBook are active … but they can also be typed into an internet browser from the Print Book (about 500 pages).

Book title: “Secrets To Preventing Virtually Any Contagious Illness or Disease  … Disease Prevention Anywhere … Worldwide”  

  1. Get the revolutionary eBook:
  2. Get the revolutionary Print Book Version:  *

* Many book collectors want print books for their collections for an investment … and to upgrade their bookcases.

Stay well, get well, live well … and stop letting anyone control you through fear of:  death by disease.

May you have peace, health, safety and satisfaction in your life.

Get the book above … and help support your life in safety and peace.

Are Scientists Blind

Are scientists so blind to reality … that they miss something faster than light!


YES … There Is Something Faster Than The Speed Of Light


Faster Than Light
Faster Than Light Speed

Are scientists really so ignorant … that they have not figured it out yet? There is something that can go faster than the speed of light … and it is the very thing that provides the juice that keeps the universe alive and vibrant!

Well … maybe some of them are not really scientists … or too uneducated to link causes and effects to the reality of the motion of the real power in the universe!

In spite of the Theory of Relativity … there is an exception to its light speed restriction … because gravity can be moved (but not propagated) at speeds greater than the speed of light.

The author asks, “Is anything faster than the speed of light? Absolutely. The answer is so simple it can be calculated with high school mathematics. Sorry sci-fans … it is not a space ship … yet.

The theory of General Relativity can apply to gravity … but inexplicably … the noted scientist Albert Einstein seems to have overlooked the fact that the movement of gravity can exceed the speed of light without violating any aspects of the theory of general relativity.

But how can that be true? The interesting application is just exactly how gravity can exceed the speed of light. One important fact is that gravity does NOT bend … and that is why syzygy works so well. Gravity does not move in waves … and any apparent notion to that effect will be accompanied by the motion of physical matter somewhere.

That is the exploration this author makes in his explanations of what makes the universe shake-rattle-roll and hum … and more than likely … it will shake up quantum theory at the interface beyond light speed.

However, gravity speed can be a real danger in many places … and it IS NOT something fictional, imaginary, or dimensional.

This presentation is about an important … but overlooked Fact of reality … and it is NOT a Theory.

It is overlooked because of the arrogance of presumptuous, insular scientific narcissism that has closed an important doorway of scientific investigation. Or … maybe it is just too much work to go back and tweak the Theory of Relativity to bring it into modern scientific reality.

The best principle that a scientist can follow … is to never put something behind a door of absolutes … because it might just be an overlooked gateway to something else that has been ignored.

Go ahead. Look boldly into the brightness of truth … it will not blind you … but darkness will not sharpen your eyesight.

Instead of making a pedantic podium-shaking presentation … the author is trying to write this information at a level so that ordinary people in their public lives can understand it.

His goal is to arouse scientific interest in people who can go on to higher learning and make contributions to the survival and future of civilizations.

Raising questions for investigation and discussion is far different … and more productive …  than presenting everything in Hegel-type1 confrontations for the sake of arguments.

For every answer there is a question … but the important part … is in asking the right question for the right answer.

Let us take a look at how people make statements … or ask questions.

In graduate school (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA)  the author learned five important questions that could help him get started on almost any task:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where am I going?
  3. Why am I going?
  4. How am I going to get there?
  5. How will I know when I have arrived.

While those five questions can be helpful … they are usually just the beginning … and further questions are often needed to round out the beginning and ending processes.

A lot of thinking is usually needed to find and ferret out information from various nooks and crannies … such as:

  1. Out of the box thinking.
  2. Critical thinking.
  3. Common sense thinking.
  4. Analytical thinking (i.e., mathematical, scientific)

The art of asking questions depends upon the purpose of the questioning process. The questioners are not necessarily seeking truth or facts … so much as they are looking for an advantage … for example:

  • Clergy
  • Debaters
  • Gossipers
  • Politicians
  • Trial lawyers

In his book, the author will give some examples of some troublesome (“gotcha”) questions.

He will show how to precisely (and correctly) answer the age-old trick question of, “Which came first … the chicken or the egg?” … and there can be no doubt about his answer.

The trickier part about any questions and answers … is to ask the right questions … otherwise, the answers might apply to something unrelated to the questions.

This point us absolutely essential to framing correct interpretations of data … prepared and received … from any scientific investigation.

The author wrote this book to attract those who want to know more about the sciences … but he wrote it at a level most people on the street could understand it.

His goal is to attract more people to pursue careers in the sciences. Some people on the street are actually more clever than you might think.

Most scientists realize that the world is racing toward irreversible destruction. We need smarter people to help us avoid the end of the human race … because humans seem to be extremely adept at destroying things … especially, themselves.

Even though the author’s book is not written in a confusing scholarly, pedantic style … the author has provided a large reference list of links at the end of the presentation … so that almost anyone can understand it.


Get Your Copy Today!

Available from Amazon in eBook and Print Book versions. The eBook has active URL links … but the Print Book links can only be typed into an internet browser.

Get the eBook version ( or click here:

Get the Print Book version ( or click here:  *

* Many collectors want the print book version of a publication … for future value … and their book cases look more professional.

Finally … scientists are not really stupid … but maybe need to realize that gravity motion is what keeps quantum motion energized with the juice that drives the life forces of the universe.

Once people figure out how gravity actually works … their work is not over.  Let’s go on to the next level and ask three more questions:

  1. Are there more than two dimensions (i.e., physical and spiritural)?
  2. Does gravity only work within physical dimensions?
  3. Is there a property similar to gravity at work in non-physical dimensions?

Have fun!

101 Tough Christian Questions Email [Use this for the website URL]

Churches seem lost … and 101 tough questions baffle them!

Holy Trinity
Trinity Titan Power

There are many questions that the secular world is asking … but Christian churches are curiously hiding out.

Why? Many of  the 43 thousand Christian denominations seem lost in blind faith babblings that keep them bound to questionable church doctrines and goals rather than enlightened Biblical doctrines.

Most Christians do not seem to have any idea that the current Resurrected Jesus Christ is the product of GOD’s universal, celestial evolution from beginning to end … and Jesus is long gone from the cross.

Both the WORD and Man-Jesus Christ no longer exist!  Christians seem totally lost and ignorant about the evolved Jesus Christ of the 21st Century. The Bible explains it all … but why churches are keeping it quiet?

Click Here to get (without any obligation): 101 Answers To Some Tough, Puzzling Christian Questions
(No name, email, or CC required to get the information … and No churches identified.)

For example, here are just a couple of the referenced 101 questions:

1. Are humans born with an immortal soul? (Bible emphatically says ABSOLUTELY NOT) *
2. How did Jesus not receive any human DNA? (Ingenious pathway)

*This fact is clearly explained in the Bible … and correctly explaining this issue can quickly build congregations from a distrustful world suffering from previous religious errors and persecutions.

Note: The writer dove deeply into science and religion. For example, he revealed the quantum processes of faster than light speed that keep the universe vibrant… and is amazed that most Christians do not even read their own Bibles.


Rev. R. B. Spell, DD
Advanced Concepts Agency

Get Advanced Christian Theology Blogs  … without any obligation.

America In Prophecy

Proof … Whether city or nation: America (Babylon The Great) is definitely in Bible Prophecy.

Hello Fellow Seekers,

If you are an educator, preacher, missionary, confused Christian, or non-Christian … this may be for you.  You might want to get busy … because it will all be over sooner than you think … and America will never recover!

First of all, the easy Christian trickery is to say that Rome is the “Mystery Babylon.”  Be very careful,  that is a ruse to let 40+ thousand other Christian denominations sneak into the Church Arena claiming they are God’s chosen few … or anything thing else they think migh fly.

tThe most influential nation that has ever influenced more people numerically in history … than all othe nations combined throughout history … is America (i.e., because of its technology and outreach). No other nation (or religion) has ever had the power, influence, and control over the world that America has had.

Most scientific estimates conclude that it took over 200,000 years to reach a human population of 1 billion (i.e., in the year 1800). Now, in about the last 80 years  … we have slightly over  8 billion in 2023.

Look around at the rapid decline of America! We all need to wake up. All of the world’s great empires have come and gone … and America is next. Our currency says, In GOD We Trustbut that is NOT true for most Americans any more!

Prophecy is a tough beast to tame. But by Biblical inference, America absolutely is in Bible Prophecy (as the metaphorical “Babylon the Great”) … but it will be destroyed in one prophetic hour (i.e., 60 minutes)! Note: Based on Revelation 17-18, America will most likely be destroyed by a natural event (i.e., super volcano, asteroid, solar flare, etc.) … rather than by nuclear weapons.

America is the greatest, most powerful nation that has ever existed … but its great evil surpasses any goodness left in it. Its motto could rightly be SIS (Sinking In Sin) … or TBTGGG (Thanks Be To Greed-Gluttony-Gonads).

People just have to be clever enough to figure out where this is found in the Bible … and it is definitely there for all to see (Click the image below)!

Fire Angel
Fire Angel by digital-artist Brian Exton

This article is written by a retired professor with a pen name. Why? The author does not want any Christian denomination to get singled out for retaliation by America’s greedy giants. (Note: The author visits many churches but does not claim membership in any of them for their own protection.)

In spite of some so-called “Bible Scholars” … it is easy to find America in Bible prophecy. America commits almost every evil deed of mankind.

Unfortunately, America will be annihilated by fire in one hour. This is not a prediction (i.e., which could be zero percent). This is a prophecy … which is always 100% accurate!

America is the symbolic epitome of the evil that already covers the earth … and it definitely fits every definition and qualification of a wide-spread evil empire more powerful than any in history … influencing and affecting the whole world (i.e., sitting on “many waters” and even attempting to expand into outer space).

In case deductive reasoning is little difficult … consider how many times the name Jesus Christ appears in the Old Testament (i.e., Zero … but does that prove He did not exist?)? Are the words “asteroid or meteor” found anywhere in the Bible (i.e., No … but does that mean they do not exist?)?

America serves the gonad gods while producing 60% of the world’s immoral materials … many involving children … while generating more of that material than all the rest of the world’s other 192 nations combined!

While elected officials provide excuses and justifications for their crimes … unrestrained evil runs rampant throughout every level of American life and American cities … (all worse than in any ancient city actually named Babylon) .

While not possible in ancient history … America’s crimes and evils can be electronically transmitted and delivered worldwide almost immediately to just about anyone!

The ideology that anyone can have anything they want (whether anyone else likes it or not) is almost the worst, rotten from of narcissistic oppression on Earth … disguised as “Constitutional Freedom.”

The worst … most enslaving form of governance … is that demanded by others who proclaim that someone else owes them something. That is the laziest, most evil form of coercion on the planet (often disguised as socialism or entitlement).

Unfortunately, some of the most used and abused people on the planet are Christians.  Why? Because the have been conditioned to blindly follow a god they cannot identify!

Most Christians do  not believe in evolution (i.e., the transforming of one creature into another creature).

However, Jesus Christ has changed from one form to another … and type of evolution … from the Word (Spirit-Jesus) who existed before He created the earth and the rest of the universe.

Spirit-Jesus was sent to the Earth by GOD to become Man-Jesus (i.e., the Word-Spirit was incarnated) in order to redeem human beings through His death and resurrection.

After His death … Man-Jesus Christ was immediately resurrected and transformed into the Glorified-Jesus Christ. Later He will re-create the heavens and a new earth … into which He will lead and rule all the redeemed from old Earth.

Some will say that Resurrected-Jesus Christ is the product of an evolution process. Others will say that the Resurrected-Jesus Christ is simply the end product of transitions rather than evolution.

Nevertheless, human beings will go through a similar transition-process (i.e., birth-death-resurrection) before they are endowed with eternal life through the Resurrected-Jesus Christ.

And … why not? After all, we are joint-heirs with Man-Jesus Christ ( Romans 8:17 ). So, why would we not follow a similar transition-path to eternal life as Resurrected-Man Jesus Christ!

Confused? Don’t be. Even though Spirit-Word-Jesus was tasked with creating almost everything  … He did NOT create human beings ( Genesis 1:26 ) … and technically, Spirit-Word-Jesus did not become the son of GOD until He was incarnated and sent to Earth ( John  3:16 ). Therefore, Jesus Christ as the Son of GOD is not a paradox.

People should enlighten themselves with information involving the three stages … and three forms of evolution of Jesus Christ … as He existed throughout Eternal history:

Why? Because when understood … the three stages of existence of Jesus Christ (i.e., before, during, and after the Earth) … people will never be confused by blind faith Christian religion again.

Click here to get the Bible verses: AMERICA -Babylon The Great – IN BIBLE PROPHECY … simply fill in the request form below for additional information:

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Rev. Dr. Randall B. Spell, DD

Contagious Disease Prevention

Infectious Diseases



Infectious Diseases
Infectious Disease Protection


Tired of getting sick … lockdowns, quarantines,  disease-fear syndrome. … and of 24-hour news media misinformation?

You can easily do something about it … and no one can stop you. Just get the information below that you need to do it … or click on the book image above.

Some might ask, “If I have all of that TV information, why do I need more information?”

Good question … and it’s great that you asked.

Many of us are now wondering about a great many things … that are far beyond the mind-bending intrusion’s from TV sets.

Stop and think for just a moment … and then realize that something profound has overcome our world … FEAR.

Just a few years ago we were not thinking about politics and diseases. We had an everyday life … things to do and places to go.

But now … fear topics have become a 24-hour marathon on TV … and we find ourselves threatened with loss of life, income, and liberty.

Let’s look a little deeper into the emerging issue that controls societies around the world in this new age of dreadful uncertainty.

Are pandemic diseases the New Toy for Governments to Control And Depopulate the world! 

Maybe so … but there is plenty that people can do to protect themselves … once they find out how easily they can do it!

The world’s ruling classes may have found the magic-bullet to control the world … FEAR … by introducing one contagious disease after another like HIV, Ebola, Covid-19, etc.

New-world governments could continually introduce genetically modified organisms (GMO) such as weaponized viruses and bacteria for pandemic disease-production … but you could still be safe from almost all of them with this information … even while on autopilot.

Humans are the best germ-incubators for spreading infectious diseases that can cause rapid human death and depopulation … but birds, mosquitos, and food are also parts of the disease-spreading process.

However, there are many simple, easy things that we can do to protect ourselves with almost no money spent. But … you can bet there are many powers that do not want you to know how to do it … because they want you to be controlled by them!

It is amazingly simple how easy it is to protect yourself with almost no cost … and when you know how … you will find out that they work worldwide! They do not want you to know how … because they cannot get into your pockets!

Be cautious of schemes and scams that try to prey upon your fears … check things out for yourself.

Seems like some may be dreaming up ways to get rich by selling us all kinds of drugs, vaccines, and personal protective equipment … and some of them may work … while keeping us quarantined and shivering in our basements.

This new book is easy to read and understand (150,000+ words). It has 45 years of professional experience and information. … which was taught to various health-sciences and health-care students in colleges and universities.

People need to know how to protect themselves from various types of contagious diseases anywhere in the world … and there are many of them out there (i.e., people and diseases) … but some simple precautions can help avoid almost all contagious infections and diseases.

This book nails it … and the steps are so easy they become second-nature … and they work!

There are many contagious diseases that people do not even know about … and more may be coming. But everyone needs to know that they can easily protect themselves against contagious diseases they do not even know about yet … and without even thinking about it.

A retired health sciences college/university professor has been gathering and teaching information for the last 45 years … for the classes he taught to his college students about diseases … and the testing procedures to find them.

He has compiled easy-to-read and understand solutions to prevent “catching” virtually all communicable diseases wherever they occur in the world.

The “experts” only dribble out occasional 10-15 second sound-bites on TV that might eventually help some people, somewhere … but only maybe … with the real intent to scare the detritus out of people.

TV and News Sound-bites  only present a drop of information that people really need to know about … but this book reveals information for people that they can easily and basically use world-wide.

Various contagious diseases … and many other infectious diseases are actually very easy and simple to defend against … when you know how.

This book is written in simple, non-medical language that can be understood by most high school students.

There are also non-communicable diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa … which a person can “catch” without contacting people … but can “catch” from contaminated objects and places (and this book even shows how to guard against most of those).

This book also shows you how you can easily be ready … even for most of the bad stuff you do not even know about … but these simple routine practices can guard people against almost all of them without even thinking about it.

Most important of all … this information is cheap … and the advice can be used over and over for a lifetime of protection! It has been working for more than 50 years! But you can bet that fear mongers and money hogs don’t want you to know about these things.

I bet some of you are already saying that this is too good to be true … and that it will cost at least $39 to get this valuable information.

Well, the author could charge that … and it would be worth it … but many people are going through hard times right now because of Covid-19 and worldwide fear-mongering for power, control, and profit.

The eBook is over 500 pages with 250+ active internet search links. The Print Book for collectors does not have active links (of course, since it is a print book).

You can get this eBook and download it at once … and stay ready … stay healthy … and enjoy your life! You are worth it!

This book is available from Amazon in eBook and Print Book versions. The 250+ URL links in the eBook are active.

Book title: “Secrets To Preventing Virtually Any Contagious Illness or Disease  … Disease Prevention Anywhere … Worldwide”  

  1. Get the revolutionary 500+-page eBook with immediate download ($5.95):
  2. Get the revolutionary 500-page Print Book Version ($19.95):  *

* Many book collectors want print books for their collections for an investment … and to upgrade their bookcases. Note: Amazon may put a different book cover on the Print Book … but the contents are the same in both books. (Long story … but the ISBN would not allow a change in the print book cover without buying more ISBNs.)

In addition to learning how to avoid contagious diseases like HIV, Covid-19, the FLU, etc. … here are just a few more topics covered in this powerful new book:

  • The FLU … and Everything Else … you can avoid
  • What People Want To Know … what they are not being told
  • Misinformation and Confusion (i.e., for control and profit)
  • Information about many types of Germs
  • Sources of Germs
  • Dirty Hands (what you can do with them)
  • Self-Infection (a lot of that)
  • Person-To-Person Contact (and sexually transmitted diseases)
  • The Human Germ Incubator
  • Contaminated Objects And Places
  • Pets As Sources of Germs
  • Insect Germ Transmission
  • Contamination from Dirt, Water, and Air
  • Parasites (mind-blowing numbers)
  • Difference between Aids and HIV
  • Aids Protection
  • Germ Contact and Immunity
  • Additional Observations About Infections
  • Examples of Problem Situations:
  • The Use of Your Hands Is The Key
  • How to Germ-Proof Yourself, Family, Friends
  • When Do We Need A Doctor?
  • Treatment (if you are lucky)
  • Doomsday Genetic Engineering (deadly new, manufactured diseases)
  • Everything Else? (Yes … unbelievable!)

In case you would like some additional information … maybe about the author and other things … please, continue reviewing.

The author is a retired college/university professor. He has been teaching, revising, and updating this infectious, contagious disease information for more than 45 years.

He has been careful to re-write this information so that a person does not have to have a PhD … or  be a doctor, researcher, or college professor to understand it.

It is easy to avoid almost all contagious, infectious diseases worldwide … and after you finish this book …  you will know how to do it for yourself.

Although important, wearing a face mask is great … and social-distancing is very helpful … but the biggest problem is touching things with those wonderful hands! You need to know where and why this is important. Your eyes will be opened to the invisible, unthinkable dangers all around you … especially, if you stumble in the dangers unknowingly.

There is only one secret to all of this … which is in this comprehensive new book. And when you see just how easy it is to do … you will know that you can do it, too!

Just so you will know … the author has added expanded information about contagious, deadly, troublesome diseases for people … which they would almost never know about.

He has tried to keep the grammar at a level for public consumption. For those who want big words … and in-depth research … please contact your alma mater or a local research facility.

However, he has provided over 250 active URL  links in the eBook (i.e., the immediate downloaded digital book)  for further “light-scientific” investigation. Those interested in going deeper into the subject matter … try contacting the authors in the URL links or their bibliography at the end of their articles.

The information dished-out on TV for finding out about diseases may supply some useful information for symptoms, doctors, hospitals, and related information after people already have a disease … but that is a pathetically, inefficient way to get any kind of real, meaningful medical information.

But, here are two questions to consider:

  1. Why do people “Catch” those contagious diseases in the first place?
  2. Would people “Not Catch” those diseases if they knew how “not to?”

The new book shows people how they “Catch” those contagious infections and diseases in the first place. That information is almost never adequately explained anywhere … and certainly NOT on the short “TV-expert” opinion pieces.

But, the most important point is that this book shows what most people are almost never told: “What to do to “NOT CATCH” those contagious diseases in the first place!”

You would think that sort of information would be common knowledge, but it is not. This book helps to correct that problem … at least for those people who get the book and read it.

More than likely, after people read this book, they will have the temptation to wake a few people up to conscious reality as they trip carelessly through their life’s activities.

A word of caution: Be careful … many people today seem to think that they can do whatever they want to do regardless of the consequences to others. It is called the … rights and freedoms to stupidity-entitlement.

The safest thing you can do is to make sure that you do not become a victim to the carelessness of others. This book helps you to avoid “Catching” the contagious diseases and infections that other people unknowingly or carelessly spread around.

By the time you finish reviewing this book, and all its links, you will know more about diseases, disease transmissions, and disease symptoms than 99% of all the students who graduate from all the health care programs in all the colleges and universities in the world.

Just review the information in this new book … and you will see why. College students only get a touch of this information here-and-there … because only a little of it is spread through some college courses.

That is easy for the author to say because he worked and taught in the health care field for over 40 years.  He has the advantage of knowing what is in the college curriculums of pre-med, nursing students, x-ray techs, lab techs, etc. He was an Assistant Professor, Adjunct Professor, and Program Director in more than ten colleges and universities nationwide.

Doctors, of course, should already know this stuff, … but there are no reasons to keep this information secret from the public.

The public is its own worst enemy in transmitting diseases around, but no one is really making much basic information available to the public (until now).

Why? Because illnesses and diseases are big money-makers for the health-care industries and pharmaceutical companies.

The public should understand a basic fact. Hospitals and doctors are not obliged to inform or educate the public about the wide range of diseases and disease transmissions, nor how to avoid  “catching” those diseases (or illnesses) in the first place.

Why? Basically, they just do not have the time to educate everyone … and if they did … it would not be in their best interests to do so.

Their jobs are to treat and help people who do get sick (or injured, or need surgery, etc.). That is how they make their money … and how they prove their reasons for existence.

And that is the disturbing reality of medicine … doctors and hospitals cannot make money if there are no sick people to use their services … but morally, they are not wishing for people to get sick either.

Make no mistake about it … we need them. However, we can stay well a whole lot more than we have been doing by following a few simple rules.

Rule #1: Learn how to avoid catching a contagious disease in the first place.

Rule #2: Learn how to recognize disease symptoms, and then to get help.

Rule #3: Go back to Rule #1.

There are many times that we need doctors and hospitals for accidents, diseases, and other things that may be unpreventable or difficult to avoid.

However, this book deals with the unfortunate number of situations that people “catch” diseases and illnesses simply because they do not know they are in danger.

A healthy body can help recover from a disease, but immunizations will help prevent catching many contagious diseases. Take advantage of any immunizations recommended by your doctor.

Note: For those who do not know … just because a person gets a vaccination or immunization against one type of disease or illness … that does not mean that they cannot catch something else (and there are millions of other disease possibilities out there).

If the information in this book prevents just one trip to a doctor’s office, a person could save themselves ten to a hundred times more than the small cost of this book.

A practicing pathologist (i.e., one of the author’s former bosses … Dr. W. G. Price) once made the observation that many human illnesses are easy to understand.

That is true for the trained eye of a certified pathologist or clinical scientist. However, that is not true for the average citizens of the world in any country.

If the U.S. government gets its way, and we wind up with universal health coverage for all citizens, we may wish for the day when we had to wait in a doctor’s office to see the doctor we wanted to help us.

With uncontrolled healthcare for all U.S. citizens (or others who just happen to be here), we may stand in long lines outside doctors’ office waiting rooms. Every little sniffle or tingle will be headed for a doctor’s office visit. Be warned … it could easily happen!

And, the point is … stay as well as you possibly can … so that you do not have to contend with competition to see a doctor.

Many people do not even know how they got sick or where they “caught” it.

But now, they can have a much better idea about how to protect themselves with the information in this presentation.

People have been heard to complain, “Now, I wonder where in the #@!&% I caught this *%&#!@ infection.”

By the time people complete this book they will realize that they could have been in contact with something weeks ago … and because of incubation and time delay after disease exposure … they cannot connect an exposure event to their current illness.

Why? Because of different disease incubation periods, it is easy to forget a place or situation where contact with an infectious germ (i.e., a sick person with or without symptoms) could have occurred … especially with the speed of airline travel.

There is an explosion of populations coming, and an explosion of illnesses and diseases are coming with them.

People may destroy, devour, and deplete the planet … but unless people learn how to protect themselves against contagious germ transmissions … there will be fewer of them on the planet.

Increases in worldwide populations, and the propagation of diseases, will be accompanied by massive government legislation and control to manage dwindling resources … unless the resources are being protected by removing populations (i.e., many people are concerned that this could be an aim of tyrannical governments).

Diseases and famines will increase worldwide. People who are prepared will have a better chance of surviving because they will know what to avoid. Expect an increasing scarcity of drugs and medications which will complicate treatment and survival.

We all need to develop a different attitude about infections, illnesses, and diseases … because there are ways to improve our lives despite them.

We need to stop thinking of hospitals and doctors in terms of “illness-prevention.” Health-care-recovery their business.

Their business is SICK CARE.  Their jobs are to help us get well when we become sick or injured.

“Sick” prevention comes in the form of:

  • Vaccinations and vaccines
  • Personal knowledge about infections, illnesses, and disease prevention,
  • Personal knowledge applied to “sickness” prevention.

Injuries may require a multitude of different medical approaches and disciplines of medicine (i.e. non-invasive procedures as well as surgery) to treat non-disease conditions.

But knowing how to avoid contagious diseases is far more important to staying alive and healthy … than hoping that there is a pill for everything … and there may NOT be.

FYI … many contagious diseases may be from new forms engineered (i.e., genetically modified organisms … or GMO) in an unregistered lab … for the purposes of population reductions and people control.

But … people usually catch those “engineered diseases”  the same way they catch other things like the FLU, Covid-19, etc.

However, the techniques presented in this book … for all those other contagious diseases … will also work for those most of those “engineered diseases” designed to cause worldwide problems.

And, remember … just because some government wants to use diseases to reduce and control populations … we are not obliged to cooperate with our own destruction by diseases.

Since we are here … there is one prime observation to remember: It is our right to live by taking care of our own self … because that is our personal responsibility.

This book is available from Amazon in eBook (500+ pages) and Print Book versions. The 250+ URL links in the eBook are active … but they can also be typed into an internet browser from the Print Book (about 500 pages).

Book title: “Secrets To Preventing Virtually Any Contagious Illness or Disease  … Disease Prevention Anywhere … Worldwide”  

  1. Get the revolutionary eBook:
  2. Get the revolutionary Print Book Version:  *

* Many book collectors want print books for their collections for an investment … and to upgrade their bookcases.

Stay well, get well, live well … and stop letting anyone control you through fear of:  death by disease.

May you have peace, health, safety and satisfaction in your life.

Get the book above … and help support your life in safety and peace.



Faster Light Speed

Faster Than Light


YES … There Is Something Faster Than The Speed Of Light

Faster Than Light
Faster Light Speed


Are scientists really stupid? Well … maybe some of them are not really scientists … and too uneducated to link causes and effects to the reality of the motion of real power in the universe!

In spite of the Theory of Relativity … there is an exception to its light speed restriction … because gravity can be moved (but not propagated) at speeds greater than the speed of light.

The author asks, “Is anything faster than the speed of light? Absolutely.

The theory of General Relativity applies to gravity … but inexplicably … the noted scientist Albert Einstein seems to have overlooked the fact that the movement of gravity can exceed the speed of light without violating any aspects of the theory of general relativity.

But how can that be true? The interesting application is just exactly how gravity can exceed the speed of light. One important fact is that gravity does NOT bend … and that is why syzygy works so well.

That is the exploration this author makes in his explanations of what makes the universe shake-rattle-roll and hum … and more than likely … it will shake up quantum theory at the interface beyond light speed.

However, it is a real danger in many places … and it IS NOT something fictional, imaginary, or dimensional.

This presentation is about an important … but overlooked Fact of reality … and it is NOT a Theory.

It is overlooked because of the arrogance of presumptuous, insular scientific narcissism that has closed an important doorway of scientific investigation. Or … maybe it is just too much work to go back and tweak the Theory of Relativity to bring it into scientific reality.

The best principle that a scientist can follow … is to never put something behind a door of absolutes … because it might just be an overlooked gateway to something else that has been ignored.

Go ahead. Look boldly into the brightness of truth … it will not blind you … but darkness will not sharpen your eyesight.

Instead of making a pedantic podium-shaking presentation … the author is trying to write this information at a level so that ordinary people in their public lives can understand it.

His goal is to arouse scientific interest in people who can go on to higher learning and make contributions to the survival and future of civilization.

Raising questions for investigation and discussion is far different … and more productive …  than presenting everything in Hegel-type1 confrontations.

For every answer there is a question … but the important part … is in asking the right question for the right answer.

Let us take a look at how people make statements … or ask questions.

In graduate school (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA)  the author learned five important questions that could help him get started on almost any task:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where am I going?
  3. Why am I going?
  4. How am I going to get there?
  5. How will I know when I have arrived.

While those five questions can be helpful … they are usually just the beginning … and further questions are often needed to round out the beginning and ending processes.

A lot of thinking is usually needed to find and ferret out information from various nooks and crannies … such as:

  1. Out of the box thinking.
  2. Critical thinking.
  3. Common sense thinking.
  4. Analytical thinking (i.e., mathematical, scientific)

The art of asking questions depends upon the purpose of the questioning process. The questioners are not necessarily seeking truth or facts … so much as they are looking for an advantage … for example:

  • Clergy
  • Debaters
  • Gossipers
  • Politicians
  • Trial lawyers

In his book, the author will give some examples of some troublesome (“gotcha”) questions.

He will show how to precisely (and correctly) answer the age-old trick question of, “Which came first … the chicken or the egg?” … and there can be no doubt about his answer.

The trickier part about any questions and answers … is to ask the right questions … otherwise, the answers might apply to something unrelated to the questions.

This point us absolutely essential to framing correct interpretations of data … prepared and received … from any scientific investigation.

The author wrote this book to attract those who want to know more about the sciences … but he wrote it at a level most people on the street could understand it.

His goal is to attract more people to pursue careers in the sciences. Some people on the street are actually more clever than you might think.

Most scientists realize that the world is racing toward irreversible destruction. We need smarter people to help us avoid the end of the human race … because humans seem to be extremely adept at destroying things … especially, themselves.

Even though the author’s book is not written in a confusing scholarly, pedantic style … the author has provided a large reference list of links at the end of the presentation … so that almost anyone can understand it.

Get Your Copy Today!

Available from Amazon in eBook and Print Book versions. The eBook has active URL links … but the Print Book links can only be typed into an internet browser.

Get the eBook version ( or click here:

Get the Print Book version ( or click here:  *

* Many collectors want the print book version of a publication … for future value … and their book cases look more professional.

Finally … scientists are not really stupid … but maybe need to realize that gravity motion is what keeps quantum motion energized with the juice that drives the life of the universe.

144K Virgin Jews

144K Jewish Virgins

144,000 Jewish Virgins Of The Apocalypse

I believe that this is a book that both scientists and theologians can have fun with  … and a lot of people can have fun with it, too.

And since these two subjects (i.e., Science and Religion) can be a bit confusing, I will bounce back and forth and repeat things a little bit here and there in the book to reinforce some points.

But first … you must get off your “flat Earths” and take off those “religious blinders.”

Science and religion often go hand-in-hand … but just as frequently … they diverge for lack of information.

For example, there is something that can, and often does, go faster than the speed of light … and there is irrefutable proof of that fact … but it does not violate any laws of physics.

There is also irrefutable proof for the exact nature and origin of the DNA of Jesus Christ … and I know everyone will have fun with this information. Plus, it shows why Jesus was born without any original sin.

Water actually exists in four states. Most people already know three of them, but readily recognize the fourth when explained.

I will provide answers to both of those thing above somewhere in the 144K book … and just to keep you interested … I will also show the location for the irrefutable proof for the identity of Jesus Christ’s DNA.

Many people, who know very little about science or religion, will probably grab this book out of curiosity just to see what’s in it. But, FYI … be prepared to find out … that Jesus Christ has NO human ancestors (but is still human).

For those who do not know much about religion or gods … here are three things they should know:

  1. In the absence of a god, some men will invent one.
  2. In the absence of a god, some men will rise to become one.
  3. In the presence of a god, some men will usurp his authority.

For those do not know much about science or reality… here are three things they should know:

  1. In the absence of science, some men will simply exist.
  2. In the absence of science, some men will simply dream.
  3. In the presence of science, some men will create.

Nevertheless,  it is true for both science and religion that … everything will never be enough.

Here is a pop quiz that I suspect 99.9% of all Bible students, preachers, teachers, Bible colleges, “commercial Christian pastors,” and Christian websites will get wrong.

Here is the question: What is the penultimate event that must be completed before the return of Jesus Christ?  [You have five seconds … that’s why it is a “pop quiz.”]

You will find the answer right here in: Matthew 24:14 .

But really??? What are those 144 sealed, virgin, Jews doing? Why are they popping up somewhere around the Tribulation Period? The author has a pretty good idea of what they show up to do … especially in the Millennium.

The Christians of the first visible Rapture will not be equipped with the correct information about the functions of GOD, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to spread the penultimate gospel.

Therefore … as some Christian theologians wrongly teach … the raptured “Tribulation” saints will NOT be serving as kings and priests during the Millennium. Why? Because they do not have the correct gospel message.

They will actually already be in the New Jerusalem (John 14:2) … and waiting for the saints from the second silent rapture … of the Millennium to arrive.

Why? They will still be trying to teach the triune-god concept … which originated way back around the Tower of Babel time. Semiramis introduced this concept to include her son Tammuz and her dead husband Nimrod.

The Catholic Church can neither be credited nor blamed for the Trinity (triune-god) concept.

Since Semiramis came up with this concept … it was widely used in Egypt for their gods … and it has been widely employed in religions around the world.

The 144k sealed, virgin Jewish evangelists will take the true gospel (not temple worship) around the world during the Millennium (similar to Acts 1:8). Their message will more closely resemble the message in this book: Trinity Functions.

The book about the 144,000 Jewish Virgins of the Apocalypse  is available on Amazon in both eBook and Print Book versions (Note: URL links are active in the eBook version):

  1. 144,000 Jewish Virgins of The Apocalypse: The Penultimate Prophecy Before The End of Man … eBook Edition  (
  2. 144,000 Jewish Virgins of The Apocalypse: The Penultimate Prophecy Before The End of Man … Print Book Edition (